Today Rocco is 2 days post-Op and guess what folks;
He’s up and running!!!
I usually work from home but today was an office day. Hubby works the night shift (a blessing and a curse all in one) so he was home with Rocs.
When I returned home, he ran outside and greeted me with a smile on his face like he used to do before this all started.
It was one of the best feelings in the world!
He also got outside in the back for a bit and had his run at a squirrel or 2.
He is a pro on 3 legs already!! but I am not surprised. He wasn’t using the leg that was amputated (front right) for a few weeks prior. He had lots of practice!!
Mister Rocco is on the mend and we are ecstatic. But we also know it’s still early so he is back to resting for now.
Until my next post, happy tripawding!