I haven’t been able to post… Rocco is gone.

I haven’t been on here. I couldn’t come here. Rocco has left us. It’s been 2 weeks since we had to say goodbye. I have not been able to stop crying.

I truly did lose my best friend.

Saturday January 20 – day time, Rocco is happy to be with us. Ran to the front with a smile to greet me on my way in. Played with my little one. Slept beside my little one at bedtime all snuggled up. I took a picture.

night time – after putting little one to bed, Rocco stayed with him for a while and then came to the living room to be with us. We could tell he significantly slowed down. No energy at all. Trigger words were not even exciting him. We thought, could just be a bad night for him, as we know with this stupid disease, they have their good and bad days. We said we’d wait until morning to see how he was doing.

Bedtime came for us and Rocco, who usually sleeps on his own designated couch in the living room slowly mozied over to our bedroom and slept with us on our bed that night. I knew something was up. I stayed up most of the night comforting him.

Sunday January 21 – day time, Rocco is still slow. Something wasn’t right but he continued to try and be beside us. We decided to watch a movie all together in bed. I’m on the far left, Rocco is beside me, Little one is on the other side of Rocco and Hubby on far right.

I look into Rocco’s eyes and sadness filled my heart. I could tell. I could tell he was ready to go. I even said to hubby, I think Rocco is done.

I left the room for a few minutes to get a drink. Suddenly I hear hubby yell for me to come back and get little one.

Rocco is having a seizure on the bed. Desperately looking for something to bite, right where little ones arm was. But even in that moment, he moved little ones arm out of the way and bit down on the pillow harder than I’d ever known.

He finally snapped out of it. We took him to the emergency vet.

I remember trying to calm him as he laid in the back of the truck on the floor. His eyes looking up at me, so sad. so scared. so confused.

Hubby carried him in to the vet.

They told us it was time to say goodbye. His eyes and skin were yellowed. He had no life left in him to give.

We had to say goodbye.

I laid on the floor next to him hugging him as he took his last breath.

A piece of my heart died with him that day. It doesn’t feel like I will ever be the same.

I miss him immensely. More than I can put into words.

I love you Rocco.

RIP Buddy.


21 thoughts on “I haven’t been able to post… Rocco is gone.”

  1. I am so sorry. I went through the loss of my Koko back in Nov. Still hurts to see her videos, pictures, but I know she is not suffering any more. Cherish the memories.

  2. Tears as I read this. I’m so sorry for your loss! I know your hearts are broken because Rocco took a piec of each one as he left! Sending you healing light and peace. Fly free new Angel! Rocco will remain with you in spirit always!
    Linda & Spirit Mighty Max

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family. Rocco was greatly loved and obviously loved your family.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. No matter how much time we have with them it just isn’t enough. Your baby has no pain now, he is whole again. Wishing your family peace during such a hard time.
    Jackie and Huckleberry

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. This part is the hardest part of our journey. No one can tell you when the hurt isn’t going to be there. It will be for a while. Grief is so personal.

    Run Free Rocco. He was a beautiful boy. He will be watching over all of you.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  6. Ohhhh no, I’m so saddened by this news, and send my deepest condolences your way. It’s never easy to say goodbye, even when we think we have time to prepare. When the final moments happen as they did for Rocco and you, the heartache must be so immense. I’m really sorry. If it’s any help at all, try to remember that his last day did not define the life he led with you before cancer came along. Rocco will always be your strong, handsome, forever Dobie.

    Grieve, let it out. Let yourself be angry and cry and yell. You have every right to feel the way you do, and to work through it on your own timeline. Don’t let any one tell you otherwise.

    The time we have with our beloved animals is so short. Just know that you gave handsome Rocco the best life any dog could hope for, and even in his last breaths, the love you gave to him was a gift that he took into eternity as he went peacefully into the heavens.

    And meanwhile, you and he are always a part of this community. We are here for you whenever you feel like writing, talking or chatting OK?


    1. Thank you so much Jerry. Your kind, heart-felt words are so appreciated.
      I will continue to post here.
      I am so thankful to have found this community of amazing people and pets!

  7. Rocco was a warrior, right to his last day!!! He said goodbye to each one of you and he took care of his little one!!!
    Run free Rocco, you did good for your pawrents!
    It is going to take time to move through the thickness of grief, please know that we are here as a shoulder to cry on or scream at, we can take it all!
    Our condolences to all of you!
    Petra, Stewie 🐾 and his Pride >^..^<

  8. This just breaks my jeart to read. We all cry with you today.

    And we also celebrate Mister Rocco and the unbreakable bond he shared with you!! That handsome vroy lived life to the fullest . He didn’t let that piece of crap disease touch his joyous Spirit or his loving Soul. Rocco got to be Rocco until it was time for him to let you know he was ready to head to the Bridge.

    Rocco was @oved and happy every day of his life with you. And he knew you felt his love in return. That’s what matters. Hold onto to that.

    And hold into js. We understand every aslect kf this journey ore than anyone else can. We understand the void you are facing and we understand the grief seems like it will never end. We can tell you it does fade further I to the background as the happy memories continue to push forward.

    We can tell you that Rocco WILL connect with you and he will make his presence k own. Pay attention and let js know when and how that happens.

    Absolutely love that photo you losted! What a special voy!! When you can, please share more. We would like to see more of “everything Rocco”!

    Oh, and just so you know, the Bridge ks well stocked with Squirrels!! They are safe and protected, but the dogs getto chase them up trees all day @ong! Rumor has it Rocco has already received Certificates of Excellence for treeing the most squirrels!!

    Love and hugs

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. thank you so much for this! It was comforting and even gave me a little smile. Your words mean more than you know.
      We had a private cremation for Rocco and within the time it took us to receive his ashes back, I was having wild dreams. None of which made sense and I can barely even remember them really, but one thing that remains vivid is the fact that I saw a VERY brightly coloured rainbow in one of these dreams. I didn’t really think much of it, but the next day we got the call that Rocco’s aftercare was ready to be picked up, and the velvet bag his box was in had these words embroidered on it “Until we meet again at rainbow bridge” and it clicked. That’s why the rainbow was in my dream. He let me know he is waiting for me there.
      Thanks again for your continued support. I am so grateful for this community.

  9. :/. I am so sorry for you and your family. All of us know your pain – yet it is so individually different for each of us. Your Rocco was beautiful and he was so loved, as were you – by him. You were such good parents to him and did the hardest thing ever for him. I hope, and know, your pain will ease with time. I’m so sorry.

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